Post hoc ergo shitty hoc
Well, it's finally happened. Corporate America has beated down the average Johnny Lunch-Pail consumer to the point where they just don't care anymore. It seems the Tivo service is going to start running banner ads while you are fast fowarding through commercials. That's right, you are going to be hit with a commercial while you have a commercial on in the background.
While this bothers me on a molecular level, irratating the very atoms of my being to the point where they've started drinking heavily and hanging out with electrons of "questionable ethics", no one else seems to care!
When I first heard about this I figured it would trigger a mass exodus from Tivo, people would flock to other services or turn their computers into PVR's. We would send out message with our subscriptions, "we do NOT want to watch commercials!" But lo for the times are dark, as the constant conditioning of Big Brother to accept and even welcome ads seems to be working.
I, for my small part, am not happy about this. I don't want to see ads (especially considering the Tivo service is an additional monthly charge) and I don't want my screen taken up with stuff when I need to see what I'm fast fowarding through so I know when to stop. Fight the power! Who's with me?