Thursday, March 31, 2005


A question from a classmate of mine:

"I am thinking about the ways in which white people are racialised in American literature and am considering traditionally pejorative terms for them. But not being American, I'm not 100% about the full connotations of some of these terms. I was thinking about "bubba", "white bread", "honky", "ofay", "clay eater" and "mean whites". I'm not in too much doubt about "white trash"...although I imagine most of these are pretty disparaging."

Anyone want to help with defining these? And thinking of some others? There's 'cracker', but what else?

Monday, March 28, 2005

I suspected/Where we gonna sleep tonight

A very fast and great song from Japanther, Divorce. Good for mornings (at least for me), for walking somewhere...or just to and fro, while on the bald street breaks the blank day. [Tennyson's beloved Arthur Hallam's house is on Wimpole Street, near/in present day Covent Garden.]