Friday, September 10, 2004

Dropping Odours, Dropping Wine

Briefly: School's begun and it's overwhelming. There are so many cliches for too-much-to-read, but the most appropriate image that comes to my mind is the annual Nathan's hotdog eating contest; by next week, I must read a Dickens novel, a Shakespeare tragedy, 10 pages of Milton, 250 pages of Wordsworth, and about 5 articles of criticism/theory on each. This pace for thirteen more weeks. And just as, I assume, contestants must constantly fight the urge to purge the hotdogs they are ingesting, I'm just trying not to vomit...

Attention: Morons of the World!

Two things:

A.) Palm pilots don't work. Not 100%. I know they have been around for like 10 years, but they've never worked. Ask anyone who has one. You can never get them to sync up quite right with MS Outlook. The Palm Pilot isn't broken, returning it won't help, and it sure as hell isn't my fault. They just don't work that well. Get over it, get a Blackberry.

B.) Wireless networking. Doesn't work. It sounds very cool, yes, but it ain't ready yet! Companies don't adhere to standards, so you can't mix and match. Even if you do get all the same companies equipment, it's still a crapshoot. I can sit there and tweak with settings all day, no promises. It's too soon, keep your wires.

Sorry, but I've done exactly 2 things this week. 2 Palm Pilots and 4 Wireless networks, not counting the one I have to fix tomorrow. So far, I'm about 50-50 fixing these problems. They just flat-out don't work very well.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Out of the loop.

Holy Shit! Has anyone else noticed what a monster season Adrian Beltre is having? Jesus.