Thursday, June 23, 2005

You're really clicking tonight, you gorgeous preppy.

So nice to see the blog up and running again. And if I may say so, you're all looking well.

A question for the assembled luminaries that make up this fine establishment: If I, in the course of writing a song, manage to pen a melody which, in one particular bar, differs in no way from a bar of a melody in a Belle and Sebastien song, under what conditions can I get away with it? Did I mention that this bar (in my song) constitutes a large part of the chorus? When does (unconscious or conscious?) tribute become plagiarism? Unfortunately, we can no longer ask George Harrison.

If this "massive meet up" ever does take place, I wanna be there. Do you think anyone responded to this guy? What would you say? I want to join your army?

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

George Lucas is batshit insane

SO the AFI did a tribute to George Lucas that was on earlier this week. And I was watching all the ass kissing and mutual masturbation it and it got me thinking.

The problem I have with Lucas isn't that he's a bad director or that he can't write dialog to save his life. It isn't that he went back to some of my favorite movies with a revisionist pen or that he made some lame, clunky sequels to those movies. It's not even that the industry heaps so much praise on his shoulders. No, the thing that pisses me off is that he deserves every fucking word of it.

Ignoring for a moment that he created both Star Wars and Indiana Jones, he legitimately changed the way movies are made. Even the most cynical of critics has to admit that Lucas has been one of the largest influences in movies over the last 40 years. And more than that, he did his own way. He created production studies, sound house, special effects departments, you name it. Sadly, his own way has included some pretty weird shit, but still.

Consider this my public apology for all the crap I've slung at Lucas over the years, he really did do some great things. And God help me, I still fucking love Star Wars.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Short and Sweet

Well, since someone (who remain unnamed) opined that they don't like to read long posts, I figured I throw up a quickie:

I don't like drinking from straws. I don't know why, but anytime I get a drink with a straw I take it out and drink straight from the glass. About the only time I will use a straw is when I'm in the car and don't really have a choice.

There, short enough for you, Gordon? I mean...if that is in fact who you are.