Sunday, June 20, 2004

Saturday Night Fever 2: Electric Bugaloo

After watching a preview for Ocean's 12, in which it is proudly announced that all the original cast members have returned, I started thinking about movie sequels.

There is trend recently, which I haven't seen much press about but that I am very happy to see, regarding the quality of sequels these days. For whatever reason, it seems the studios have finally realized the amount of money they can make by shelling out the big bucks for the stars and directors that made the original. I can't really say which movie started this trend, though X2 was certainly right there.

The Matrix trilogy (such as it is), Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Spiderman 2, X2 (and now X3), Ocean's 12, Shrek 2, movies that either were or are highly anticipated. Compare that to the crap fest of the past. Starship Troopers 2, Alladin 2, anything after Batman Returns, even Superman 3 and 4.

There were a lot of crappy years there, but I'm glad to finally be looking foward to the summer blockbusters again.


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