Monday, May 17, 2004

I'll make it through the day

Three honest questions: does whiskey become bearable after time; does that surge of isopropanol-like horrible air that gushes through your nose ever go away or do you just start not minding it, or do you start relishing it; does that terrible, sweet, heavy taste that sits on your tongue after drinking some whiskey ever become bearable, or do you start not minding it, or do you start to relish it?

I just had a shot to, as Mario Batali says in his Babbo cookbook, take some of the New York City edge off, calm the inner angst (is there any other kind?). I've been biking the fourteen miles from 99th St. to Battery Park City and back for fun, and I've been considering a more efficient, less watery way (beer) to calm the NYC edge/angst.

I was totally baffled at the liquor store, somewhere I almost never set foot in, so I went with Johnny Walker Red. Elliott Smith was not just a staggering genius of songwriting...he comes in handy in real pragmatic ways too. Nobody, to my knowledge, wrote a song mentioning White Zinfandel.

My last entry for this tonight, I promise.


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