Saturday, October 30, 2004


I know I'm a bit behind in music. This includes buying the new Elliott album, uh which I just bought tonight, in addition to the new Aracade Fire (hadn't heard them until I was in a rental minivan headed to Elizabeth NJ). But I just wanted to briefly mention Elliott's Twilight, a beautiful song.

The choruses, 'I'm/You're already somebody's baby,' is so wonderful because it spans the entire life cycle. Let me explain.

Already being somebody's baby suggests something like, "hey, I'm sorry, but I can't go out with you because I've already got a girlfriend." It affirms the existing relationship, and turns away someone interested in you. But at the same time, it destabilizes the existing relationship itself, the one just defended: being somebody's baby, also means, "you can never be my mother or father -- I'm already somebody's baby/child,"

So the two meanings -- most immediately, "I'm taken", but simultaneously (and less obviously, but more literally) "I'm yours, sure, but in a way, I'm still only 'a baby' to my parents" -- gracefully combines adult love and childhood. I really think it's kind of brilliant. It takes a throwaway word like 'baby', and juxtaposes the love meaning with the literal, infant one. Fuckin' A. It gets me every time.


At October 30, 2004 at 8:25 PM, Blogger Cimazuzutokustaff said...

I lose. You win. Hehe.

At October 31, 2004 at 1:44 PM, Blogger robogal said...

I think, also, that "I'm already somebody's baby" has another connotation. In asserting that you're always someone's child, you're making the statement that you are irrevocably you--our parents being (usually) the two most important influences on our personality over which we have NO control. Or in Elliott's case, it can be another way of saying "I'm just fucked up".


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