Friday, September 03, 2004

They'll like us when we win

Well, I just finished watching George W.'s speech and that's pretty much the message I got from it.

Admittidly, I didn't see the whole thing, but it was an hour long and he's really hard to listen to for any length of time, so cut me some slack. (hey George, I've got one word for you, cadence) For those of you who missed the speech, allow me to sum it up for you:

America = Strong
The World = Dangerous
John Kerry = Flip-flopper
America will bring democracy to the world, whether they want it or not.

Everybody got that? Good. I know it's a lot of points to cover when you only have an hour, but somehow he managed.

Seriously though, I got very enraged when he began talking about 9/11 towards the end. I know that the election is about terrorism, but if anyone thinks that the person sitting in the Oval Office made a lick of difference about how the people of New York acted and responded that day, then they have lost my respect. To have him stand up there and basically take credit for acts of valor he had no part in and to praise Americans for their bravery to score political points sickens me.

Yes, something terrible happened, I remember. And despite your claim, I don't feel any safer than I did on 9/10. In fact, I feel less safe knowing there's someone at the helm willing to go to war on the flimsiest of excuses.

Oh, and by the way Republicans, just because some of us are against the War in Iraq doesn't mean we don't support the troops that are fighting it! An amazing number of Americans are smart enough to make that distinction.

Ok, I could go on and on, but I'm just getting myself all worked up again, so I'll cut it out.


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