Tuesday, July 27, 2004

It's opposite day all the time!

For the life of me I can't understand tv execs. Perfectly good shows are dumped into their laps all the time, and because of what can only be gross incompetence they get run into the ground and taken off the air too quickly. To make matters worse these great shows get cancelled while absolute crap (Fox, I'm looking in your direction) gets to stay on and even gets picked up for additional seasons!

Case in point, Keen Eddie and Firefly, (again, thank you Fox, for cancelling two great shows without even airing the whole season). Keen Eddie I knew about from the beginning. It was supposed to be one of those summer shows that Fox has started doing and then they either go nowhere (like Keen Eddie) or get picked up (like the OC). For the life of me I can't figure out why Keen Eddie was cancelled. It was an American dolt (no relation) of a cop stuck in England with quite possibly one the hottest people to ever walk the face of the Earth. Hilarity! Sexiness! Brits! No matter, no room for great scripted comedy when there's reality tv like Trading Spouses to be had! Luckily, there was so much support for the show that Bravo bought the rights and then aired the whole season.

Firefly is a show I'm rather new to. The reason I'm new to it is because Fox did a horrible job marketing it when it was on. I remember seeing the commercials and thinking "I don't know what the hell this is, but it looks kinda like Farscape". Turns out not so much, what it really is is a western set in space, horses and gunslingers and everything. I know that sounds dumb on the surface, but if you think about it most sci-fi is really just a western with technology, so it works a lot better than you might think. Anyway, Firefly was slotted to replace Dark Angel, which angered people for reasons passing understanding. I've seen Dark Angel, and for the life of me I can't understand how it stayed on the air as long as it did. If that wasn't enough of a disadvantage, the show was on Friday nights, and the episodes were shown out of order. Talk about setting up to fail. Anyway, the clamoring from the great unwashed masses to see Jessica Alba in skin-tight outfits again was so great that they pulled Firefly and put Dark Angel back on. But we may get the last laugh yet.

I watch about 4 hours of tv a week, and these morons are defintely part of the reason. Luckily someone invented DVD's ten years ago so Johnny-come-lately's like me can still check these shows out. And if you like whitty cop shows or really good sci-fi, I suggest you guys check them out as well.

Keen Eddie on DVD
Firefly on DVD


At July 29, 2004 at 4:11 AM, Blogger Pauly said...

Actually Gordon, I'll cite my love of all things Buffy as support of the fact that I am EXACTLY the target demo of stations like Fox :)


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