Daft Punk is playing at my house (my house).
The Pixies are playing in the city in which I live tonight, and I won't be there. How is that possible? The Pixies! I guess it's for the best--I have to stay home anyway to continue my attempt to condense a history of the New York Intellectuals' thirty-year move from revolutionary socialism to neoconservatism to about a page. Yeah, I've been working on finishing this chapter for a while now, hence the lack of posting. But I have to send it in on Friday, because my 'first-year assessment' is on Tuesday. Nothing too formal or stressful, I'm pretty sure it's just gonna be a 'you doin' alright?' sorta meeting. I do hope I can fucking finish this chapter tho. Been working on it since September really.
Still in love with the OC (we don't even consider doing something if it involves leaving the house between 6:30 and 7:30 on Sunday night), but definitely starting to suspect that nothing-ever-happens on that show. Plot movement is soooo slow. And I also have a creeping suspicion that Seth's gonna eventually pick Summer, leaving my favorite Anna to whither and die like so many passed over kumquats on the vine (remember, we're probably on the 10th episode of the season--please no spoilers). Ah, such is life.
If music is your thing, you'll be with me in spirit early next week (Monday here, Tuesday in the states) at the record store (they still exist?) to buy the new rekkid from ac newman (aka carl newman, aka the main guy/resident pop genius of the new pornographers). It looks totally awesome. But I guess you could buy the new wilco too. Or the new pj harvey. Or the new mirah. Or the new magnetic fields. Wow. I wish I had money. Money to buy records. And drugs.
Yohei, I understand you don't like cockroaches. And if one doesn't like cockroaches, you make a pretty good case why you'd really hate them. But what if you don't have such a problem with them in the first place? Like me. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty anti-insect. But roaches don't bite or sting, so they don't really worry me. And if they don't really worry me, the fact that they live really long, can survive anything, and can fly don't really hold much weight. Besides carrying disease (which is a good point) why should I hate them?
Yo. There's no good reason why you should hate la cucaracha at all, if you don't mind them too much to begin with!
...Money to buy the Feist album which is nowhere to be found except for Amazon.ca (2-4 weeks, 30+ dollars). (The album's Mushaboom is unbearably candied, you're right, but I'm still intrigued by the the snippets of other trx I heard on her site.)
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