Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Let this be a lesson...

...make sure the clock is right on your Tivo!

I just finished watching the last episode of Friends, but unfortunately the Tivo get off early so I don't know what happened. Not that I watch Friends (seriously, who was the Erica girl having Monica's babies?) but since I sat through the first 50 minutes I might as well find out how it ended.

Can someone who saw it please recap it from the part where Rachel is with Ross after getting off the plane and Ross says "Unless we're on a break..." Thanks.

Oh, and Dave, I'm still waiting for that riff-hook dissertation. Also, I think we should get Gilroy in on this (more people = more gmail, right?). I guess you're the only one that can invite people, I looked but I couldn't find it. His email is jgilroy69@hotmail.com.

Short version of my weekend: Went to DC on Friday, hung with Jeff and Staci. Willy and Sweet showed up Saturday. Got alarmingly drunk. Saw Nish on Sunday. Drove home this morning, very tired.


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