Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Nice sideburns, Harry.

I think it's more the fact that when we're together at a ballgame, no matter how much fun we're having, no matter how 'nice' we all are normally, we actually are annoying. Maybe not all the time (I like to think we had it in us to be quite witty sometimes), but certainly some times. And once you're out of that group dynamic--and on top of that are trying to enjoy a 'cozy' day at the ballpark--whatever redeeming charmingness those boys (whoever they are) have sorta vanishes, I imagine.

Anyway, yeah, scoring a baseball game on your own. Nice one.

So I was out tonight, and saw a poster for this theatre version of When Harry Met Sally that's playing here in London (and that's not even the funny part), starring Alyson Hannigan (she of Buffy and Pie-fucking fame) and Luke Perry. Aside from that fact that Luke Perry is playing a part that Billy Crystal originated, I got a big kick out of the quote they've got on the posters, presumably from a review of the play: "Fans of Perry and Hannigan will be ecstatic!" As if that's gonna sell the play to the thousands of British passersby who either a) have never heard of them or b) have heard of them, and don't like them. I think it's very possible that it was a sarcastic line in a negative review..i.e., "fans of Perry and Hannigan will be ecstatic, but anyone with more intelligence than a bathroom sponge should save their money."


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